Thursday, January 30, 2020

Construction of femininity Essay Example for Free

Construction of femininity Essay The very titles of both plays, Gertrude, The Cry and Ophelia Thinks Harder offer the grounds for the presumption that the central theme is related to a woman. Furthermore, in the light of postmodernism one may presuppose to read the revisionary approach on the womans question. Now when Gertrude and Ophelia have become the archetypes, their reading in the postmodernist works gives the possibility to understand the principles of the latest tendencies of the literature. The play expresses the modern understanding of Hamlet by throwing the light upon the subjects that were left enigmatic by Shakespeare. Reading the archetypes in the modern adaptations allow a better understanding of postmodernism. The study’s focus is the representations of Shakespearean Hamlet women in the modern plays. Despite a series of transgressive forms of language in both literary pieces (in particular in Barkers), the plain-spoken parody on the original play, the focus on the problem and the atmosphere of femininity appear close to original Shakespeare. The atmosphere around femininity in both plays seem more authentic to the heroes of original Hamlet that for example in the representations of 19th [1] century when the femininity was a cult and the femininity of Ophelia was the idyllic example. Is it the genius of Shakespeare to create a play that seems to have constantly the necessity to be unveiled? Is it the work of poststructuralist philosophers that influenced the postmodern authors to re-understand the women in Shakespeares literature? Has the urgency of rethinking of the female role through rethinking the femininity finally found its proper reflection in the fiction? Of course, Gertrude and Ophelia represent different and sometimes quite the opposite female types. Gertrude is in her maturity while Ophelia is in her puberty. This difference gives the opportunity to study the whole picture of femininity on different levels. To make the picture complete, both authors introduce new feminine characters. In order not to eclipse Gertrude, Barker omits Ophelia in his adaptation; however he introduces Isola, Claudius mother and Ragusa, somewhere at Ophelias place. As for Betts, there are Maid and Virgin Mary; however the plot is formed in a way that to the end of the play there are more female characters than male. Gertrude and Ophelia characters symbolize the eternal problems that women are facing. Different as they are, they always converge. And the study of both of them is necessary for this course of effort to bring the answers to the questions raised above. The philosophical debates over essentialism and femininity, the problems of gender, the rethinking of its ontological construction, the post-structuralism and the deconstruction have been largely introduced in the course of the 20th century [2]. Although, they have some differences in approach, commonly they agree that the femininity is to be socially constructed. It is rather clear that both postmodern writings of Barker and Betts could possibly not disregard these approaches when writing on women. Moreover they are industriously participating in the debates. For example, the plot Ophelia Thinks Harder is explicitly under-wound on gender construction. Barker is focusing more on the relation of femininity and the power. Betts claim on Queen: â€Å"We have to work at being women (Queen,3,17) highlights the coercive nature of femininity and can recall one the Beauvoir’s famous claim that one is not born, but rather becomes a woman[3]. Femininity construction in the conventional understanding is regarded as the the art that [all the heterosexual women] must master(Queen, Scene 3, p. 16). It is quite natural that all the compulsory is to be criticized in the western democratic society. However the femininity is compelled so slight and subtle that one can possibly not be aware of it. But the outcome of this compelled femininity can be more dangerous to the point that one can believe and can touch all the levels of human being. This is what this study will attempt to highlight in this work. It is sad to mark that this is the prevailing philosophy as for gender problems finds its supporters mainly in the homosexual ranges. [4] With all my respect for the diversity, in some cases it is like Barkers Hamlet who will write the Book of Love whilst having never oh not ever loved (Hamlet, Scene 13, p. 55). While the heterosexual women suffer of so many not less urgent problems of no solution. What is the role for example of the philosophy on gender, treating the problems of femininity in the issue of domestic violence. A 1992 Council of Europe study on domestic violence against women found that one in four women experience domestic violence over their lifetimes, 400 hundred women die because of their partner’s violence every year [5]. Generally speaking, the contemporary philosophical orientation is hardly finding something constructive to propose at least for heterosexual women leaving the contradiction unresolved. Efrat Tseelon criticizes the modern authors regarding the womans question in The Masque of Femininity: â€Å"My claim is that this tradition covers very different theoretical explanations. It ranges from mythological and theological descriptions which define the essence of a woman as dissimulation, to psychoanalytic accounts and contemporary social theory which define the essence of femininity as an inessential social construction[6]. Majority of the postmodern writers and philosophers, who are focusing on femininity, give the answers principally on the deconstruction of gender. Some tendencies for internationalized feminism take into consideration the women of the third world situations as highly appreciable [7]. However, similar problems in the western society do not have the sufficient treat. Even if theories exist, they are too difficult to adopt in real life for the heterosexual majority of women as it is proved in Ophelia Thinks Harder. In this context literary works treating questions concerning women again become more important. They are indispensable in understanding femininity in modern terms. Inasmuch as studying them contributes to the working on the consciousness. And it is due to the quality of the literature independent of the conventional construction or philosophical trends and largely contributing into both, to intersect the theory and the real life. Whereas Howard Barker’s intentions are rather cryptic, Jean Betts provides the both in her work: her work is full of incomparable imagination, she provides the historical and philosophical data from Aristotle to Queen Elizabeth and the outline of Christian thought over femininity and she evokes for the representations of women in all the dimensions. Of course such approach helps her preliminarily to put some light on the original character of Shakespearean Ophelia by the introduction of the thought on femininity in the period when Shakespeare created Ophelia, the post-Elizabethan period, the beginning of the 17th century. This information in the guise of fiction makes apparent the true reason of Shakespearean Ophelias collapse. Women were regarded as physiologically â€Å"failed men† as a product of incomplete development caused by insufficient generative heat in the womb. They were seen as the effeminate man, the aberrations of effeminacy. Womans sexuality was thought of almost a separate organism within the woman, with a will – womb[8]. Calling back to these perversions in the postmodernist frame allows the reader to question the hegemonic cultural discourse of nowadays. Whereas Betts is trying in her own words to help to dismantle some of the foundations of this deeply buried prejudice against women, (Writers Notes, Ophelia Thinks Harder), Barker is focusing more on the sexuality of the femininity as the power and the tragic outcome of the excess of the femininity and feminine sexuality. He questions the verity of the sexual feminine liberation and if it really liberates the woman. Undoubtedly a certain sexual feminine liberation has become a part of the conventional construction of femininity. However, there is no seamless category of conventional femininity, no for femininity as there is no seamless category for the woman. The very subject of women is no longer understood in stable or abiding terms[9]. The best possible definition for the conventional femininity gives Betts’s Gertrude: display her wares youll dazzle them all a fantastical cosmetic and corset fitting process; e. g. Eyebrow plucking, leg waxing, arm oiling, nails, garish face mask, fierce corsetry, grossly padded bra, chastity belt, etc You will delight, but not over-excite. a pure sweet, submissive little virgin The conventional femininity is double-faced. Having Chaste Mary as an ideal, the feminine best culmination is â€Å"to play the cards right. What Ragusa has actually performed. † marriage is the greatest moment in a womans life to be a bride the day of all days † (Ragusa, Scene 15, p. 63). Trying her best to construct the feminine self, she married Hamlet and inherited the throne after his death. Ophelias Mother suggests: â€Å"women are treacherous, sly, scheming, deceitful †. Even making children in the conventional understanding of the femininity is corresponded to please or manipulate man: â€Å"They want kids, do it. They dont – well come to me and Ill help you when the time comes. ; A woman with a son is powerful. (Queen, Scene 3, p. 17; 19) However, in the original version Gertrude had nothing but sufferance and the collapse of her life because of her son, who did not accept her mode of life. The response is paradoxically given by the same all feminine Betts Gertrude: -and we are inconsiderate enough not to give a shit what driveling adolescents like you think. (Queen, Scene 7, p. 54). Of course, Barkers power of Gertrude is certainly far from her bearing a son. Unmasking the masquerade Insomuch as the womans question is to be read the titles of both plays, the unthought-of before or rethought (thinks harder) and a sore utterance of the extreme feelings (the cry) are manifesting. Shakespearean women thus have a chance to cry out their repressed truths. It is absolutely normal when taking in consideration the historic-cultural context of the role of gender in the Shakespearean period that women like Gertrude and Ophelia, were shown and identified by their relation to men. It is of the great achievements of Shakespeare to draw the remarried widow as the tragic hero when for playwrights of the early modern period, a remarrying widow was a subject for comedy[10]. Today, in the light of deconstruction, what was identified as the feminine can turn to be masculine and vice-versa theoretically [11]. Practically, the process of choosing the gender is not without the desperate torments. The femininity as the obstruction to the knowledge in Betts version and the extreme feminine sexuality of as the pseudo pluck of the apple of forbidden knowledge in Barkers are the central themes in the plays. Betts Ophelia hence thinks harder than the original Shakespearean one. What does this possibility to think or to rethink presents for the female? Shakespearean Ophelia’s life was predicated by what men around her thought. Her father and brother decided how she should behave herself. Hamlet’s refusal of her was fatal. Betts offers Ophelia the choice to think herself for her life, what will it turn to? As for Gertrude, will her cry hush the desperate attempts of Hamlet to de-sexualize her? Is the cry the horror and sexual pleasure of her femininity or does it stand over female and masculine categories? Modern Shakespeare suggests that Gertrudes flagrancy, her over sexualized femininity cost the life of another feminine innocent Ophelia [12]. Indeed desire and death go traditionally together as proved above, but what is the place of the femininity in desire? Even if it is true, why should the feminine sexual desire be identified with femininity? And why should the masculine desire excuse itself by femininity? In Betts rewriting, Ophelia is in the same cultural context, the oppressed woman, the same â€Å"mad fool† (Queen, 7, 52) boyfriend Hamlet. It should therefore come as no surprise, that her desperate attempts of thinking meet the terrible attacks from all the members of the society. To condemn these attempts on failure, they take an argument that thinking is not feminine, accusing Ophelia of not being feminine. Throughout the play Betts is proving that the imposed conventional femininity is an instrument to prevent the woman to think. She focuses in particular on why thinking for a woman is so dangerous in the conventional understanding. The power stands for the explanation and certainly not a psychotic clown who sets the rules. The power serves as the relationship between individuals. The one who possesses the knowledge possesses the power. Isn’t after overcoming the conventional femininity and get educated that: â€Å"we dress up to learn, to write, to get published be lawyers, doctors, lead armies, run countries † (RG, Scene 8) that the gender war is foreseen to happen: â€Å"I see strife; I see gender war; I see the initial X†(First Woman 4, 26). At first glance, Barkers Gertrude possesses the power. She is evidently more delighted with her sexual power than the political one that she posses with her statute of the queen. From her comes out the cry, the extreme point of ever possible desire and pleasure and of horror. The extreme desire is always conventionally associated with sin as well as with feminine. This is evident in the story of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman. The first sin has become sexualized with Eve’s violation of God’s specific instruction [13] The Cry is like the reproduction of the first sentiment that the new sinful world lived: the desire and the horror. Gertrude possesses this cry. Is the extreme femininity the way to posses the cry or does it come out of the brain that has no binary category? â€Å"MY BRAIN IS WHERE DESIRE IS† (Hamlet 5, 28) Where is the place of the intellect in the conventional construction of the femininity? Knowledge and desire go together. As mentioned above was it not for the desire of knowledge that the first sin occurred? Therefore, knowledge is interpreted as unnatural to female. As the epigraph to Ophelia Thinks Harder proposes: Laborious learning or painful pondering, even if woman should greatly succeed in it, destroy the merits that are proper to her sex (Kant). In the course of all these tormenting moments of thinking, Betts’ Ophelia is read as what is in the psychoanalytic terms called bisexual: not feminine, not masculine. At least she is resisting to become feminine. Before getting down on why she is refusing the conventional femininity, one should clearly make the difference between the biological sex and the socially constructed femininity or masculinity. Freud claims that the child is born bisexual and femininity or masculinity is constructed [14]. Following the psychological steps related to his parents the child develops his/her masculinity/femininity. Then as it is developing it is influenced by the socio cultural frames. Together with the theory of deconstruction they would consider us to read Ophelia bisexual. Indeed she claims that she does not want to be the man, nor the woman (Scene 3, 17). However her bisexuality is also determined by the social frames. She does not want not to be the man, nor the woman because she does not want to be seen like conventional feminine or masculine. The conventional understanding of the femininity does not correspond to her individuality. Hence, she is refusing the conventional notion of being feminine: â€Å"Behavior as instinctive as a cats with a bird † (Hamlet, Scene 1, p. 3); â€Å" viper like Eve would arouse in him evil and lust (Hamlet, Scene 4, p. 29) or â€Å"The lady doth protest too much†(III,ii,225) She is refusing to be tough and try to corrupt the man she is not. She is refusing to be tough to be overwhelmed with her sexuality as something shameful. â€Å" Hormones, cycles of blood, reproductive turmoil-you are flushed with your female destiny-you are adulated, euphoric-yes-you are clearly in love † (Hamlet, Scene 1, p. 3). If choosing gender in the natural way is as impossible as it was in the original version and if we know that the femininity is rooted in the social construction is it left to the society to decide if she becomes a normal woman [feminine]? Is there a solution to stand out the opinion of the society? On one hand Barkers Gertrude is independent from the societys opinion, on the other she is strongly dependent on others, as she needs to astonish. The conflict in Ophelia Thinks Harder lies in Ophelia’s resistance to the psychic subordination of the conventional. Being female, according to the social conventions her body must be superior to her mind, while the masculinity would be gifted with mind and femininity with body. Ophelia is forced to be separated from her mind and to delight and be delighted by her feminine body. She is not abnormal or exceptional. â€Å"The thousands of us† (Scene 8, p. 66) had to disguise as men to be disjoined from their minds. Judith Butler is decisive upon Beauvoir proposal that the female body ought to be the situation and the instrumentality of the womans freedom, not a defining and limiting essence [15]. She writes: â€Å"In the philosophical tradition that begins with Plato and continues through Descartes, Husserl, and Sartre, the ontological distinction between soul (consciousness, mind) and body invariably supports relations of political and psychic subordination and hierarchy†. While Betts uncovers the diverse and dissimilar states of female’s self-construction, Barker is focusing on the exploration of the body. Helen Cixous is speaking about the writing of the female body [16]. Quite in a similar way, Barker is studying the possibility of â€Å"learning to approach their [womens] own forbidden bodies†. Indeed one can mark the parallel even in the titles with The Laughter of Medusa and Gertrude The Cry. Barkers Gertrude claim â€Å"I’ve made an instrument out of my body (Scene 14, p. 62). Gertrude explores and perceives the knowledge through the possibilities of her body. Of course Barker has not invented that Gertrude is exploring her sexuality. Shakespearean theme is also read in Betts: â€Å"it may come as a shock, little boy, but quite a lot a lot of people over 30 fondle each other. Oh yes; Claudius and I HAVE SEX. (Queen, Scene 7, p. 54).

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Nursing Practicum Proposal Essay -- nursing educator, practicum experi

Nursing students today are diverse with different learning styles. Nursing educators must shape students to become critical thinkers and there are a host of approaches for instructors to develop needed teaching skills (Kostovich et al., 2007). There are many models of education styles; one to fashion teaching after is from Kolb’s model in 1985 which suggests matching learning methods to teaching approaches. However, educators need to become proficient in identifying individual student learning styles. Nursing educators should also recognize their own teaching style and the effect it has on learner development and socialization (National League for Nursing, 2007). The National League for Nursing (NLN) has developed eight core competencies for nurse educators. The NLN proficiencies serve as a guide for faculty to follow in order to provide high quality education for nursing students (NLN, 2007). This paper is aimed at proposing a student teaching practicum at North Central M ichigan College (NCMC) in the nursing high fidelity simulation/skills lab for the winter 2014 semester. Scholarly Practicum Proposal The NLN has developed eight core competencies for nurse educators. The NLN proficiencies serve as a guide for faculty to follow in order to provide high quality education for nursing students (NLN, 2007). With a diverse student population, educators must be able to incorporate varied teaching strategies into curricula to meet the needs of each student. Older students have a tendency to prefer on line discussion and problem-based learning, while younger students prefer simulations and skills demonstration (Pettigrew, Dienger, & King, 2011). Used as a teaching tool, simulation promotes clinical skills, interperson... ...eved from . North Central Michigan College. (2013-14). Nursing program handbook. Retrieved from Penn, B., Wilson, L., & Rosseter, R. (2008). Transitioning from nursing practice to a teaching role: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(3):3 Pettigrew, A., Dienger, M., & King, M. (2011). Nursing students today: Who are they and what are their learning preferences? Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(4), 227-236. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2011.03.007. Rattray, J., & Jones, M. (2007). Essential elements of questionnaire design and development. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 234-243. Wayne, D., & Lotz, K. (2013). The simulated clinical environment as a platform for refining critical thinking in nursing students: a pilot program. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34 (3), 163-166.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Friedman Family Assessment Essay

The Friedman Family Assessment assists the nurse in assessing a family and establishing family nursing interventions. This tool allows the community nurse to assess the family system as a whole, as part of the whole society, and as an interaction system (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). This paper will review a family that consists of a mother, stepfather, and adopted son. Identifying Data and Composition see more:welcome speech for annual function The family name, address, and phone number is not disclosed in this paper in-order to protect the family’s identity. The mother CD, who is 44, stepfather PD, who is 55 and her adopted son KD, who is 10 live in the home. The family form is a low middle-class income family of three and the son’s adopted father is still in the picture and has joint custody. CD and PD have been married only three years. They are Caucasian and speak the English language. CD is not aware of her ethnic background because she was adopted. PD has a French descent. KD has an Asian descent. CD was previously married for 22 years. CD and her x-husband adopted KD at birth. This is PD first marriage. The family religious affiliation is Baptists; they are members at a church two miles away from the home. CD is very involved in their church attending services every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. They live in a singlewide two bedrooms mobile approximately 25 years-of-age and station in a small c ommunity trailer park on the outskirts of town. The mobile home is completely paid for and solely owned by CD. CD makes a living as a unit clerk at a local nursing home and is the breadwinner of the household. She also sells jewelry on the side. PD makes a living at a manufacturer plant that makes engines for lawn mowers, approximately 20 miles from home. Their eating, dressing, and health views are typically of a low middle-class household. CD lives week-by-week on her  paycheck, and she pays for everything accepts the park rent. PD is only responsible to pay the park rent with his paycheck. The household income is not a combined income to help share the responsibility. CD states, she does not know what PD does with his money. The family eats together usually at breakfast and dinner only but in front of the television. They try to eat healthy but sometimes with their busy schedule, they eat out more than they eat in. Both CD and PD states, they do not drink or smoke and believe that they are in good health, but believes they ha ve a weight problem. CD currently weighs 250 lbs. and is 66 inches; she has a body mass index (BMI) of 30, which is obese according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). PD currently weighs 230 lbs. and is 72 inches; he has a body mass index (BMI) of 32, which is obese according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). KD currently weighs 95 lbs. and 65.0 inches; he has a body mass index (BMI) of 18.6, which is a healthy weight according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). The family states, they have a good appetite and have been trying to lose weight but find it difficult because of the day-to-day stressors they encounter. They believe they need more exercise in the lifestyle but cannot find the time to fit it into the daily lives. They do get annual check-ups and follow-up with their physician as needed. CD and PD both have a high school degree and KD is in the fifth grade at the local elementary school. CD likes to hang out with her son and is involved with her community church. PD likes to watch television and hangout with his guy friends. KD likes to play video games and occasional play basketball with the neighborhood children and play with is pet dog, a miniature long hair Dotson name Jack. Developmental Stage and History of Family The CD is in her forties, and PD is in his fifties and according to the Erikson’s developmental stage, they are both in generativist versus stagnation. Harder (2009) â€Å"so when we’re in this stage we often fear inactivity and meaninglessness† (7). The son is 10 years-of-age and according to Erikson’s development stage, he is in industry versus inferiority. During this stage, the son is capable of learning, creating, and developing new skills. In addition, he should be very social but if  feelings of inadequacy among his peers he may have problems with competence and self-esteem (Harder, 2009). CD was born in America on August 11, 1965, was adopted by the age of eight. She recently has contacted with her biological father and keeps in-touch with him. Her biological fathers’ background is unknown because he was also adopted at birth. CD does not know anything about her biological mother and prefers to keep it that way. CD states, she was abandoned along with her two younger brothers at a young age. CD’s father was could not handle the children, both financial and emotional so he gave them up for adoption. CD and her younger brother were adopted together to an English-speaking American family in Colorado. A younger couple looking to adopt a baby adopted CD baby brother at the age of one. CD states, her adopted parents were both very loving parents to them, and they had good religious upbringing. CD first marriage failed after 22 years and through this marriage, they adopted CD’s niece infant son. KD who is 10, and he was born on March 5, 2001. CD’s husband PD, was born in the East Coast of New Hampshire in 1956, and he has lived here his entire life. CD and PD lives in a trailer park and just barely makes ends meet. They both work but their income is not pulled together and shared to pay the bills. CD states, she pays for everything, whereas, PD is only responsible for park rent, but there has been time that he neglected to pay and CD had to pay the rent. CD is concerned where he spends his money, and although she loves him, he is not a partner in this relationship. Environmental Data The family’s home was factory built-in 1986. As I drive up to their home, they have a paved driveway and storage shed adjacent to the trailer. There is no garage for their two vehicles they own. As you walk up to the home, they have a small deck at the front entrances. Once inside the front door you walk into an open concept kitchen, dining room, and living area. The bedrooms are at the end of the narrow hallway and with one full size bathroom and a laundry-room adjacent to the bathroom. The home is heated by propane force-hot-air. There are smokes and carbon monoxide detectors located at both end of the home are functioning properly. Their home is very well maintained and presents a welcome home like feeling. The neighborhood is somewhat a loner community not actively with  socializing. Everyone keeps to himself or herself unless they have kids. There are 25 other well-maintained trailers and good landscaping in the park. There are five families in the park that have children at the same age as KD, and the neighborhood children frequently get together to bike or play sports. There is a play park with basketball hoop, swings, and jungle bars for the neighborhood kids, so they can play and interact. Major grocery store is just one mile from the park, and the park is approximately five miles from downtown. CD states, she does not socialize with her neighbors but thinks that they are pleasant. The family believes that the neighborhood is safe and has a low crime rate. The family spends most of their time with community service through their church. Family Structure and Functions I found during my interview with the family that communication patterns were not shared but was dominated by CD who was more out spoken than PD and KD. CD answered most of the interview questions but PD charmed in from time-to-time if he wanted to add more in-site to the questions or if the question were more pertaining to his background. KD was somewhat shy and clinks to his mother most of the time especially, when he was not feeling well. KD is well behaved and communicates with his parent with respected. KD gets along well with his stepfather; there is no evidence of any behavioral issues in the relationship. KD sees his adopted father every other weekend, and he enjoys his visit with him. Both CD and PD do not believe in spanking as a form of punishment when KD needs discipline but believes in time-out and or grounding him when its’ needed. CD states, she is the sole decision maker in the family. They do not have a joint bank account, PD’s money is his, and CDâ€⠄¢s money is hers. CD manages and pays the bills, whereas PD is only responsible for the park rent. CD states, her employer has cut her hours from 40 to 32 hours, she is finding it difficult to keep up with the bills and being the main support of the family. She states, PD has not always paid the park rent so that leaves the burden on to her. When I asked PD why CD is managing the household financials by herself, he did not want to discuss the matter. PD and CD share the responsibility in cooking the meals, cleaning the house, and taking care of the laundry. KD helps with keeping his room cleaned and takes out the  trash. PD is also responsible for mowing the grass and taking care of the yard. The family demonstrates reserved affective and socialization functions. Their affection is demonstrated by helping each other with the household responsibility and taking care of KD. CD and PD shows affection with verbalization of I love you and a kiss. KD is close with his mother and hangs out with his step dad occasion. The family as hole respects each other and can express their concerns or issues to one another. The family takes their health care functions seriously. They receive routine health care check-up and believe in healthy eating but do not always practice it routinely. The family at present seems to be healthy and well developed they like to take frequent walks around the neighborhood as a form of exercise. CD is currently being treated for depression and for neck pain. She has a past medical history of asthma, arthritis, and hysterectomy at the age of 34 years-or-age, and she wears prescription glasses to drive. PD is currently being treated for GERD and hypertension. He is not always good about taking multivitamins and the last doctor visit was a year ago. Both CD and PD do not drink or smoke. CD and PD make sure that KD has regular health check-ups, along with keeping up his immunization shuts. Recently KD has developed constipation and stomach pain, he has been through testing, and his physician is not able to find anything medically wrong. KD’s physician believes it could be related to the new stressors in his life regarding his adopted father and his new girlfriend. Family Stress and Coping As talking to both CD and PD, they both demonstrate dealing with stressors in the household and at work. CD and PD are worried about KD and what is causing his feeling sick both emotional and physical at times. The family has seek both medical and psychological advice and getting KD the help, he needs dealing with his adopted father and his new girlfriend. CD is also dealing with several stressors at the present both at home and work. Her work-related stressor is that her hours have been cut back, and she does not know how she going to get all her work done in a short period. She believes her home-related stressor is she will not be able to financial support her family because of her decrease income and her x-husband has been laid-off so most likely will not get child support for a while. PD stressor at home is not providing more of the financial support that he should. They believe  most of the time they handle stressors well, by talking things through, but they admit there is some things they do not feel comfortable bring things up in-order to deal with them. Family Nursing Diagnosis As I looked at the information that I had gathered through Friedman Family Assessment, I found several opportunities that I could focus on for a priority nursing diagnosis. However, I felt that the one that I could contribute more energy to is improving the family nutritional intake and improve in the family activities to promote good health. The priority nursing diagnosis is imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements related to food intake that exceeds body needs, psychosocial factors, and socioeconomic status. The evidence is noted by the lack of exercise, family activities, excessive intake in relation to metabolic need and BMI indicates obesity for both parents and eating out more often than cooking meals at home. The second nursing diagnosis is interrupted family processes: changes in mutual support related to modification in family finances. The evidence is noted by CD work hours decrease so she will be bring home less pay, PD not contributing to the household income, and x-husband lose job and no longer will be able to provide child support. The third diagnosis is impaired parenting: frequent illness related to KD coping with the stressor the potential of him feeling he is losing his adopted father who is in another relationship. The evidence is noted by KD complaining of stomach pain, nausea, and constipation. Community Health Nursing Interventions The interventions that the nurse will start with for this priority nursing diagnosis is ascertain previous dieting history. This will help the nurse and family determine, which diets and strategies used, results, and individuals frustrations, and factors interfering with his and her success. Another intervention is to implement and review a daily food diary. Both CD and PD are to keep a daily diet dairy for the next two weeks to help determine what time they eat, what they eat, how much the eat, where they eat and why they are eating or reflect on their feelings at the time. This will help the nurse understand CD and PD eating patterns with the when, what, how, and the why approach. The last nursing intervention is for the nurse to determine the CD and PD motivation for weight loss, by assessing  why both want to lose weight. Weight loss is depended on what type of motivates CD and PD. Is the motivation related to health concerns, own satisfaction, and gain approval from others or from each other. The community nurse will be able to help families like this one by using assessment tools such as Friedman Family Assessment model. The tool is important to assess the family in-order to provide valuable information about the family to help complete the nursing process. The information collect will help the community nurse to focus on the family needs. In addition, to help the family develops objectives, goals, and intervention on how to achieve and maintain the goals along with making sure that the family has a positive outcome. References Harder, A.F. (2009). Erik erikson stages of development. Retrieved from Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community, (7th ed.). Retrieved from the University of Phoenix eBook collection database. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Calculate your body mass index. Retrived from

Monday, January 6, 2020

Loosing Weight Essay - 1024 Words

Why I am not loosing weight? One of the questions I hear almost everyday. Followed with: Im working out 5-7 times a week, why arent the scales changing?, Im trying to eat better but my clothes fit the same, I have been working out for 2 months, why cant I see any difference in my body?.. Twenty first century, the technology time, can be helpful and hurtful at the same time to the society. Internet is overloaded with information and misinformation and people doesnt know what to believe or believe everything they see. It is so easy just to write an article, present yourself as an expert and make everyone believe that it is the way to live, eat, exercise... Online nobody has to use any reference, studies, books, education to†¦show more content†¦Educate yourself on how to heal your body, how to increase proper digestion and nutrition absorption, learn about the foods that improve and hurt your health, learn about toxins and pollutants in the food that you put in your body. Heal your body and let it function normally instead of eating trash and make your body work overtime trying to restore the damage that has been done or is occurring. Give your body a break. Fist of all, you can not out-exercise your diet. It doesnt matter how fast or slow you lose weight or how hard you workout every day, if you go back home and eating junk, you will gain your weight back. Secondary, your metabolism is probably not messed up. Lastly, you must change your lifestyle and relationship with food unless you are fine with living life of eternal dieting. Food is not an entertainment or a reward for good behaviors. Food is made to fuel the body, to nourish it, to heal it, and supply with energy and nutrients. There has been plenty of research done on why people are gaining weight and the most coming causes are food, high stress life, and lastly too sedentary lifestyle. We exercise 0-7 times a week, but we eat at least 20 times a week, then why majority of people focus on exercising first. Most of the people have their priorities mixed up and need to concentrate first on nutrition and healthy lifestyle and then exercising. I am eating healthy, but why am I still notShow MoreRelatedAssessment And Care Provision Of Mrs. Amalie Jones1350 Words   |  6 PagesAssessment and Care Provision of Mrs.Amalie Jones. This essay about 89 year old Mrs Amalie Jones will be a discussion of assessment and care provision identified through the concept map in assessment one.Concepts from Miller’s Functional Consequences Theory of healthy ageing will be used to identify the risk factors which negatively impacts on her function,safety and independence. 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